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Why Must Jesus Christ Return to the Earth?

This world is not a peaceful world. Perhaps some places may be more peaceful and safe than others, but in general, this world is not a peaceful place. Pain and hardship in families, in our neighbourhood, in our country, and indeed in the whole world? Why is that? And how do you cope with these world conditions. They do affect us in one way or another. Its not easy to just ignore disturbing events occurring in society, such as wars, weather disasters, earthquakes, violence in cities, and mans inhumanity to man. In most cases they may not be affecting us directly, but are of concern to many of us.

We live in a most precarious state, in very perilous times on a planet where there are frequent warnings of humanity's tenuous survival.

How are we to cope in this pain-wracked world? Most people adhere to some form of belief system to anchor their soul and seek eternal happiness beyond death.

Jesus said mankind would be obliterated, likely by nuclear war among nations, if He did not intervene.

Matthew 24:22 (KJV) And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

Human extinction is not only possible via nuclear warfare, but also via chemical/bacteriological warfare as well. More exotic types of weaponry (weather modification weapons, genetic-altering procedures and nano-technology weapons) make this prophecy even more literally possible. Economic globalization is already occuring and will result in one world economic order. Patriotic nationalisim will dissapear.

Organizaions such as the "World Economic Forum" and the "Open Society Foundation" of George Soros have a Marxist agends which is dedicated to transforming the existing eatablishment to their vision. It is evil.


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