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Details of When Christ Will Return to the Earth

God has a plan for humanity.

As explained on the previous page the first 6000 years since creation is the time given to mankind to govern himself without direct involvement by God. At the end of 6000 years Christ returns to earth to set up the Millennium.

However after the 4000 years, the fourth prophetic day since Adam, Christ came in the flesh as recorded in the gospel accounts. The end of the 4000 years likely occurred when Christ was crucified or "cut off" around 33 AD. That means another 2000 years for His return. We are near the end of the 2000 years.

Experts differ on the date and the year that Jesus actually was crucified. Arguments exist on dates from 30 to 35 AD. If Jesus comes back to rule at the start of the Millennium, the 7th prophetic day, that would indicate that Jesus will come back to set up His kingdom between 2030-2035 AD.

Another clue is in Hosea 6:2:

After two days will he revive us: in the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live in his sight. 

After 2000 years (two prophetic days) from the time of Christ in the flesh He will return to raise the loyal Jews and usher in the Millennium. This will commence the 1000 year reign of Christ on earth, often referred to as the Millennium. Six thousand years would have had come and gone.

The Church, the body of Christ would be resurrected and taken to heaven prior to this event. Scripture makes it clear that the Church goes to be with Christ prior to the Antichrist and prior to the judgments of God as described in the book of Revelation.

World events are accelerating. Weapons of mass destruction now exist and threaten genocide. Knowledge has increased exponentially as foretold by the prophet Daniel. More detail on these conditions and others are on the next few pages.

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